Project Outputs

Objective 1: To develop methodological framework, based on innovative student-centered learning approaches and improve pedagogical competences of teachers.


Objective 1 is a part of the projects Work package n°2 - Development of Education Methodology - Specific objectives: O2.1. To research which students’ competences are required in the labour market for green construction with bio-composite materials; O2.2. To analyze innovative pedagogical approaches; O2.3. To develop integrated methodological framework; O2.4. To train teachers to apply innovative pedagogical approaches in their daily education practices; O2.5. To improve the methodological framework after practical implementation of the course.

Objective 2: To develop a new course on green construction with bio-composites.

Objective 2 is a part of the projects Work package n°3 - Development of the Course “Green Construction with Bio-Composite Materials” - Specific objectives: O3.1. To develop curriculum of the course; O3.2. To develop teaching/learning materials; O3.3. To develop e-learning platform.


Objective 3: To educate students in sustainable construction practices with bio-composites.

Objective 3 is a part of the projects Work package n°4 - Implementation of the Course “Green Construction with Bio-Composite Materials” - Specific objectives: O4.1. To implement the newly developed course at participating HEIs and internationally; O4.2. To improve the course and e-learning platform basing on feedback from target groups.


Objective 4: To ensure open awareness of the project’s results at local, national, EU and transnational level and promote sustainable construction in higher education.

Objective 4 is a part of the projects Work package n°5 - Dissemination - Specific objectives: O5.1. To enable an effective and efficient insight of project team members to each project phase activities, results, outcomes and dissemination during the three-year timescale and beyond; O5.2. To make the project’s results available to the target audiences inside and outside the partnership; O5.3. To promote sustainable construction in higher education.
